SMKN Bantarkalong Gelar LKBB

Lomba ketangkasan baris berbaris (LKBB) tingkat SMP/MTs se-Tasikmalaya sukses digelar SMKN Bantarkalong, Minggu (1/3/2020). Pada lomba manajemen dan ketangkasan baris berbaris berkelompok tersebut hadir sebanyak 15 tim terbaik asal sejumlah SMP dan MTs, yang selama ini memiliki sejumlah prestasi dalam LKBB tersebut.

Ketua panitia penyelenggara, Ajha Muhammad Fazri menjelaskan, ada peningkatan jumlah peserta dalam gelaran lomba yang ke dua kali ini. Selain itu, sejumlah tim peserta merupakan tim LKBB yang telah punya nama, karena berhasil mendapatkan prestasi dalam ajang LKBB di sejumlah tempat.
Untuk pelaksanaan lomba, panitia menggandeng aparat TNI dari Koramil 1217/ Bantarkalong menjadi dewan juri bersama juri lainnya.
"Kami sampaikan terima kasih kepada para peserta, dewan juri, dan seluruh pihak yang telah membantu suksesnya lomba LKBB ke II," jelasnya.

Sementara kepala SMKN Bantarkalong, H Taryo MPd ditemui terpisah menjelaskan, pihaknya sangat puas dengan penyelenggaraan lomba LKBB. Selain banyaknya jumlah peserta yang mayoritas telah punya nama, sekaligus banyak penonton yang hadir turut membuat perlombaan ini meriah.
"Kesuksesan gelaran lomba ke II ini semakin menyakinkan kami untuk menggelar acara serupa secara rutin tiap tahunnya," tegasnya.
Adapun hasil lengkap para juara dalam lomba LKBB tersebut, adalah juara umum diraih  SMPN 1 Karangnunggal, sementaea untuk juara utama diraih SMPN 1 Karangnunggal tim D, juara utama II diraih MTs Tasikmalaya A, juara umum ke III diraih tim SMPN 1 Karangnunggal C.

Selanjutnya, juara madya I direbut MTs Darul Huda, disusul MTs Al  Falah Simpang sebagai juara madya ke II, dan SMPN 5 Cikalong ke luar sebagai juara madya ke II. Untuk juara bina 1 adalah SMPN 1 Bantarkalong, MTsN 3 Tasikmalaya sebagai juara bina II, dan SMPNY 17 Cibalong berhasil merebut juara bina III. 

Google translate:

The line march agility (LKBB) level at the SMP / MTs in Tasikmalaya was successfully held at Bantarkalong Vocational School on Sunday (1/3/2020). In the management competition and line march agility there were 15 best teams from a number of SMP and MTs, who had a number of achievements in the LKBB.

The head of the organizing committee, Ajha Muhammad Fazri explained, there was an increase in the number of participants in the second race this time. In addition, a number of participating teams are LKBB teams that already have names, because they managed to get achievements in LKBB events in a number of places.
For the implementation of the competition, the committee took the TNI officers from Koramil 1217 / Bantarkalong to become a jury with other judges.
"We would like to thank the participants, the jury, and all parties who have helped the Second LKBB competition succeed," he explained.

While the head of Bantarkalong Vocational School, H Taryo MPd was met separately explaining, his party was very satisfied with the organization of the LKBB competition. In addition to the large number of participants whose majority already had names, at the same time many spectators who attended also made the competition lively.
"The success of the 2nd race has convinced us to hold similar events regularly every year," he said.
The complete results of the champions in the LKBB competition, were the overall champions of SMPN 1 Karangnunggal C. while the first champion was won by SMPN 1 Karangnunggal team D, the first winner was MTs Tasikmalaya A, the third overall winner was SMPN 1 Karangnunggal C.

Furthermore, MTs champion was won by MTs Darul Huda, followed by MTs Al Falah Simpang as second champion, and SMPN 5 Cikalong out as second champion. The first place winner was SMPN 1 Bantarkalong, MTsN 3 Tasikmalaya as the second place winner, and SMPNY 17 Cibalong won the third place. (Ful)

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